Photos to attract a wealthy sugar daddy

In search of Mr. Right: how to entice a stable of wealthy sugar daddies
As an interesting side project for a provider who would like to earn additional income by moonlighting on the financial dating scene, if you are a young woman seeking a wealthy older man (or three) to form a long-term financial arrangement whereby your financial partners pay for your rent, bills, or shopping, in return for occasional companionship (I heard recently about a lady who received £250,000 worth of gifts from her affluent business companion, plus a house and a Bentley), why not race ahead of your competitors on the financial dating websites with attention-grabbing photos of yourself in a selection of glamorous outfits designed to bag an affluent sugar daddy or two?

A step-by-step guide for ladies seeking income from sugar daddies
To acquire her first few sugar daddies, a provider begins by creating a profile on several financial dating websites, in which she presents subtly seductive photos of herself and describes the monetary relationship that she would like. Here she states exactly what cash or gifts she should receive from a sugar daddy in return for her companionship.

Once she is contacted by a prospective sugar daddy, she begins to negotiate a contract whereby the sugar daddy agrees to pay either a regular fee per date, or a set allowance each month, or agrees to take responsibility for her bills, such as her rent, in return for perhaps twice-weekly meetings, which could involve sharing a meal, listening to his self-absorbed verbal vomit enjoying a date together, conversation, or more personal activities as agreed by both parties in the contract.

As sugar daddies are for the most part well-off older men, perhaps lonely, with time on his hands, lots of baggage and a willingness to spend hard cash to contribute to an attractive young woman’s financial well-being, the arrangement can be highly lucrative for an escort.

With the sky-rocketing costs of higher education, many female students are turning to sugar daddies to pay for their education and rent while they study.

This can enable the student or escort to take a strategic staircase to leverage her synergy as she actions to liquidate her client’s asset portfolio make some money from her personality and looks.

How does photography to attract a sugar daddy differ from regular escort photography?
Photography for ladies seeking income from sugar daddies is sometimes a little more subtle than traditional escort photography, as the aim is to sell a slightly different fantasy. In this case, we are attempting to show a sincere, naturally sexy young woman with whom the sugar daddy may enter a mutually rewarding financial arrangement.

We need to bear in mind the age of the sugar daddy, who is likely to be in his forties or over, so as to tailor the overall style to what we believe he might find attractive: perhaps something classy and quietly flirtatious to present yourself as a captivating siren to appeal to an experienced older gentleman.

Of course, every sugar daddy is different and each will have his own preference. In common with all photo sessions, I would recommend experimenting with a variety of different looks: some mild and others a bit more racy, so you can try each style and see what works best for you.

As part of your regular escort photo session, we can easily set aside some time to take appropriately understated, yet bewitching photos of yourself, suitable for you to create a number of uniquely irresistible profiles on the major financial dating websites, and to have a trove of fittingly flirty photos and videos to send by email and phone as part of your courtship / budgetary negotiations with your new e-partners.

If you would like a comprehensive collection of photos in a variety of different looks designed to appeal to a broad range of prospective sugar daddies, please take a look at my “Wardrobe” section, and see what takes your fancy to help beguile the future financial partners of your dreams for your strictly business relationships.